Reduce cover
Options to make your premiums more affordable:
- Add the six-week option: You’ll still be covered for private inpatient treatment and daypatient care if NHS treatment isn’t available within six weeks. We can’t offer this if you live in the Channel Islands or on the Isle of Man
- Policy excess: Pay towards the cost of a claim – choose from £100, £200, £500, £1,000, £3,000 or £5,000 – no more than once each member, every policy year
- Reduced hospital lists: You can choose the Signature hospital list, which includes hospitals in Scotland and Northern Ireland only, or the Trust hospital list of the NHS Trust and Partnership private hospital units, if you live within the catchment area
- Reduced outpatient cover: You can choose to reduce your outpatient cover to a limit of £0, £500 or £1,000, as well as removing certain outpatient benefits. These reduced limits don’t apply to cancer treatment.