Staying safe in the Summer months

Whilst we remain firmly focussed on helping the UK get back to business safely, we’ve found ourselves not only further along the roadmap, but in the midst of some rather enjoyable warm weather.
As we move into the Summer months, after all we’ve navigated recently, it’s more important than ever to identify new risks the season may present to the running of your business. A simple reminder and an awareness of ‘easy to miss’ hazards could be the difference between continued recovery and recouping lost trading months, and an unforeseen loss due to the impact of hotter conditions.
From long dry spells, to weekend BBQ’s, carelessly discarded cigarette butts to glass-magnified sun rays on dry grassland or equipment overheating – conditions resulting from long hot periods can create highly flammable situations. Any fire has the potential to spread at great speed, endangering people, stock and property, so the impact can be considerable. Even in the smallest of fires, after effects of smoke contamination can cause corrosion, discolouration and lingering odour – all of which can be very expensive and time consuming to deal with.
It’s useful to identify how your business would be impacted by a seasonal loss. Business Continuity management and supply chain resilience has never been more important, so seasonal fluctuations should be considered in developing robust plans. Variances of some description are a factor for most businesses, but it’s understanding the peaks and troughs within a business cycle and the differing impacts incidents can have depending upon the time of year at which they occur that will allow for effective management.
Take a look at our new Summer Risk Management Bulletin - it highlights factors to consider and includes guidance, practical measures and checklists for you to help protect your business.
For more information of keeping your business safe visit