Vulnerable Road Users Webinar: Driving awareness with commercial motor clients
The pandemic changed the way many of us travelled, and some of those changes have remained since the lifting of lockdown.
For example, Transport for London (TfL) reported an increase in cycling levels from 21% of Londoners in 2019/20 to 27% in 2020/21 and found that one in five people who don’t currently cycle are actively considering it.*
Unfortunately, however, vulnerable road users (VRUs) which include motorcyclists, pedal cyclists and pedestrians, together accounted for 53% of road accident fatalities in 2020.**
And with the updates to the Highway Code that were made earlier this year, along with the introduction of a new driving law around using mobile devices when behind the wheel, the road-use landscape is changing.
There's a real need to make sure that you're aware of these changes, but also that this awareness and learning is shared with your drivers who are regularly out on the road and could have a significant impact if involved in an incident.
Chris Hughes, Director of Commercial Claims and Gill Milner, Technical Practice Leader - GCS Casualty, will be co-hosting a webinar on the topic of VRUs, alongside our Head of Corporate Motor, Marc Wanless.
They’ll be joined by Charles Ashmore, Head of Major Injury, at our Solicitor Partner DWF who also has a wealth of insight in this space.
What will be covered?
- What we’re seeing from a claims perspective
- The changing road-use landscape and future trends
- What this means for you and your business
- Our risk management approach
- How we can support you and your business in the event of an incident
Our 60 minute session will be on 5 July 2022 at 11:00am. There will be 45 minutes of discussion and presentation followed by 15 minutes for Q&A.
You can register for the session here.
We hope you can join us.
* 2021 saw highest ever use of Santander Cycles, TfL,, January 2022.
**Reported road user casualties Great Britain: road user risk, 2020 data, DfT, Sep 2021