Supporting you to re-open your business post lockdown

As we start to plot our way out of the UK lockdown, with a level of optimism for what the future holds, now is a good point in time to think about what the next few months means for your business.
The need to focus on risk management has never been greater – whether that is how you will manage and prepare for the safe return of your staff or customers, learn from the changes you have had to implement to weather the storm or continuing to ensure you remain resilient for any new, amplified or existing risks.
With the vaccine rollout at an advanced stage, and greater access to testing and lateral flow testing being implemented, not to mention the kids going back to school, we have the green shoots of recovery to a more ‘normal’ – whatever that looks like for you and your business. With the re-opening of various industries a heavy focus will need to be on how we can open up safely for our people, our customers, our operations and our premises, to name a few, and not increase the risk to our business at what has and will continue to be, for many businesses, a vulnerable time.
Our reinstatement series of Loss Prevention Standards are now available, and updated, to consider the effects that winter and the weather may have had on your businesses.
In-Focus Loss Prevention Standards and Podcasts
- Measures to Reinstate Buildings, Premises and the Working Environment LPS
- Measures to Manage People and Operations following Reinstatement after a Shutdown LPS
- Measures to Reinstate Plant, Equipment and Processes LPS
- Returning to Work in an Office Environment During Covid-19 LPS
- Reinstating Premises Listen to the podcast
- Reinstating People and Operations Listen to the podcast
- Reopening the leisure industry Listen to the podcast
This week we also launched the Aviva Risk Insights report, designed to help UK businesses understand the risks they face and plan for the future.
Whatever stage your businesses is at in its preparation process, we’re here to help – All of our best practice risk management and prevention content and guidance can be found on our free to access new website with our Covid specific information and services available here.