What are self-select funds?
Self-select funds enable members to invest their pension in funds outside the default option. This gives them more control over their investments, including being able to choose investments that align with their values and beliefs, such as sustainability-focused funds.
The Aviva Master Trust (AMT) Trustee Board has made available a range of self-select funds for members to invest in. These include funds from leading fund managers such as BlackRock, HSBC, and Schroders, plus funds managed by Aviva’s in-house asset manager Aviva Investors.
Fund management and diversification
The funds within the Aviva Master Trust’s self-select range are managed by leading global asset managers, covering the main asset classes, including equities, bonds and property.
The choice of funds is diversified geographically and includes investments in both the UK and overseas. The funds suit different risk appetites, enabling members to choose ones which match the risk they want to take with their investments. In addition, there’s a mix of actively managed funds and passive/index tracker funds for your employees to choose from.
Strong governance
Governance plays a key role in making sure that funds are performing as expected. Aviva’s structured approach to monitoring and analysing funds helps the AMT Trustee Board to understand what can be done to improve performance where this might be necessary. Find out more about Aviva’s structured governance process in the brochure below:
The value of the funds may go down as well as up, and members may get back less than has been paid in.
Sustainability is a key focus for the AMT Trustee Board. It's for this reason that the range of AMT self-select funds includes a choice of sustainability-focused funds for members to invest their pension in. We explain more about the funds below.

Funds that take ESG factors into consideration
The AMT Trustee Board offers a range of funds that take Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) factors into consideration. These funds may allow members to invest their pension in funds that align to their values and beliefs.
ESG considerations are included in these funds' investment strategy. These funds might also apply exclusion policies in areas such as human rights, labour, anti-corruption and the environment.

Shariah Funds
The Aviva Master Trust's recently extended range of Shariah Funds is designed to meet the needs of Muslim members and other investors looking for a faith-based solution.
These funds exclusively invest in securities which meet Islamic investment principles, whilst excluding sectors that are not permissible according to Islamic Law.
These funds include the HSBC Islamic Global Equity Index Tracker, HSBC Shariah Multi Asset and HSBC Global Sukuk Index funds.

Sustainable Stewardship Funds
The Sustainable Stewardship Funds are managed by Aviva Investors.
The funds aim to align their investments with the United Nations (UN) Sustainable Development Goals. This includes investing in activities that are contributing to the energy transition, such as renewable energy. Environmental and social exclusion screens are used at the outset of the investment process to exclude companies from the funds that don’t meet certain ethical standards, or whose goods could harm the environment and people.
Find out more about the funds in the Sustainable Stewardship Philosophy.
Useful information
Aviva Master Trust Standard Self-Select Fund List (PDF 85KB)
Your employees can research, manage and change their investment choices online with MyAviva.