About our pension calculator
If you’re planning for the future, you can use our pension calculator to see what you could be working with in retirement. Just pop in details of your pensions and we'll rustle up the numbers.
It’s an estimate as it makes assumptions for things like growth rates, investment fees, and length of investing. Your actual pension income could be different.
It isn’t intended as a recommendation or personalised advice. Before making changes to your pension, we recommend you talk to a financial adviser. Or visit our financial advice webpage.
Any tax benefits used in the calculator are subject to change and depend on individual circumstances.
How it works
Get your results in minutes.
Provide basic details about yourself
We’ll use your age to estimate when you will retire and how many years of income you could need.
Add your pension information
We’ll use your salary, values from various pension types and monthly contributions to estimate the future value of your pension pot.
Discover your income options
View your estimated pension value at retirement and see the options for managing your income.
What you’ll find out
You’ll see the difference to your pension if you were to choose a pension drawdown, a guaranteed income (annuity), or take it all as one cash lump sum.
Remember up to 25% of your pension pot may be available tax-free. Benefits can be taken from age 55 (57 from April 2028) unless you have a protected pension age.
Pension drawdown
Take money directly from your pension to suit your needs and keep the rest invested. While invested, its value can go up and down.
This will pay you a regular guaranteed income for the rest of your life. Once bought, the annuity usually can’t be changed.
If you’d prefer everything in one go when you retire, you can take your entire pension as a lump sum. This will have tax implications and will need to last your whole retirement.
Try our pension calculator
Pension Wise
Pension Wise from MoneyHelper is a free, impartial, government-backed guidance service. If you're 50 or over and you want to understand your retirement options, make it your first port of call.
Visit the MoneyHelper website or call 0800 138 3944 for details.

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Pension articles
Take a look at our library of helpful articles and guides.

Taking all your pension in cash
See the impact of withdrawing your pension money as one lump sum – and what you can do instead.

Leave your money where it is for now
Not touching your money right away could make a difference to the size of your pension pot.

Mix and match your retirement options
Choosing a few retirement options (rather than just one) could help you get the retirement lifestyle you're after.