What is share dealing?
Share dealing is a way of buying or selling stocks and shares, also known as equities, in publicly listed companies and other exchange traded investments (ETIs). You’ll need an Aviva Stocks & Shares ISA, an Investment Account or self-invested Aviva Pension (SIPP) to trade shares with us.
How share dealing works with us
Pick your investments
Then start buying and selling online
Our online platform makes share dealing easy. When you've found an investment you’re interested in, just choose the value or amount you want to buy. You can trade when the market is open — between 8am and 4:30pm Monday to Friday.
You’ll generally get a live quote, which will be the best price at that moment. Live quotes may not always be available, so instead you’ll be offered a best market price instead. You can also choose a limit order, which is a fixed price you want to buy or sell at. Share sales will be settled and in your account two days after your trading date.
Selling with us works the same way.
Remember, investments can fall in value and you could get back less than you’ve put in. Find out more about the risks by reading our important information for investors (PDF 56 KB).
Unsure about shares?
If buying shares doesn’t seem like it’s for you, you could think about putting your money into investment funds instead. Here you’ll buy into a selection of investments which are either chosen for you by a fund manager or track an index, like the FTSE 100®.
Pick your investment funds
Invest online with funds ranging from UK to international assets.

Need financial advice?
If you need help with your investments, you might want to speak to a financial adviser. Find your local adviser at unbiased.co.uk. There may be a charge for advice.
Why choose us?

Frequently asked questions
What is Quote and Deal?
What is a Limit Order?
Do you offer telephone trading?
What are the charges for share dealing?
Do you offer international share trading?
What is an exchange traded fund (ETF)?
What is an investment trust?
Important documents
Please read the following documents to understand details of our investment platform.
Our accounts
Choose a way to invest in shares with us.
The value of an investment can go down as well as up. You could get back less than invested. Tax rules and benefits depend on individual circumstances and are subject to change.
Contact us
If you need any help, call us
0800 285 1088
Monday to Friday: 8:00am – 5:30pm
Saturday and Sunday: Closed
Our opening hours may be different depending on which team you need to speak to. Telephone calls may be monitored and will be recorded and saved for at least five years. Calls to 0800 numbers from UK landlines and mobiles are free.
Alternatively, you can email myinvestmentportfolio@aviva.com and we'll get back to you as soon as we can.