How do I decide how much benefit I need each month?

Consider how much money you’d need to pay your bills and expenses each month if you couldn’t work. 

Living Costs Protection isn’t designed to cover 100% of your lost earnings. It’s meant to help you continue paying your essential bills and outgoings, like rent or mortgage payments, utility bills or food, while you focus on getting better.

You can apply directly with Aviva for Living Costs Protection by contacting us on 0800 433 4513 for a quote or further information.

If you take out Living Costs Protection directly with us, we won’t be able to give you advice and we’ll only be able to cover up to 90% of your net monthly income, up to a maximum of £1,500 per month.

If this isn’t enough to cover your lost earnings, you may want to consider an Income Protection+ policy. 

You can apply for Income Protection+ or Living Costs Protection through a financial adviser. If you don’t have a financial adviser, you can find one near you at

Find out more about the differences between Living Costs Protection and Income Protection+.

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