Select the appropriate sub-demand below:

Requesting a cash pension transfer in

Before you start

You will need the following to hand:

  • Your existing plan number(s)
  • A recent valuation
  • Your bank details (if required)

Please note, we do not accept the following:

  • Pensions that you have already accessed pension pension benefits, either income or tax-free cash from
  • Defined benefit pensions or pensions that provide any other salary-related benefits
  • Pensions promising set annuity rates (also known as guaranteed annuity rates)
  • Pensions with guaranteed minimum pension benefits
  • Pensions with any other guarantees

There is further information on pension transfers on our website, including links to our Terms and Conditions, Key Features and Our guide to consolidating pensions documents. Please take the time to read through this information found here.

Where to start

  1. Log into MyAviva and click Your Policies then select Investments. Here you should be able to see your pension. Click Manage account.
  2. On your account summary page select Manage your account and then View account details.
  3. From the account details page under Transfer an existing Pension select Start a new Transfer. You will be asked the reason for your pension transfer, select the reason, and click Continue.

Requesting your transfer

  1. On the next page you will see the option to request a cash transfer or a Unit transfer. Select Cash transfer
  2. You will need to provide the following information:
  • Find existing provider will allow you to search from pre-populated pension providers. Start typing the name of your provider and select them from the list below. If you are unable to find your current provider select Enter other provider details. You will be able to enter the name and address of your current provider
  • Pension account number or policy number
  • Have you already started taking an income from this pension?
  • Do you want a Full or Part transfer?
  • What is the approximate value of your pension?
  • Valuation date

Please be aware, incorrect, or inaccurate information may delay your transfer. If you are happy with the information submitted, click Continue. If you have another policy you wish to transfer you can select Add another transfer and repeat the process

Selecting Investments

  1. You will be presented with five different investment options

    • Universal Retirement Fund

    • Ready-made funds

    • Experts’ Shortlist

    • Self-Select

    • Choose fund or shares later (If you wish for your transfer to go into cash)
  2. If you have selected a fund you wish to invest in, you can click Select this fund or Add

    When you have chosen your investments, you will then need to allocate a percentage to invest into your chosen fund(s)

Please note that if you want to take cash from your Pension immediately, the amount you need to withdraw needs to be available in your account as cash, with no transactions pending, rather than invested in your selected funds. When you are happy with your investment choices select Continue

Review your application

  1. You will now be able to review the information you have submitted along with any investment choices you have made. Take time to ensure this information is accurate. If you need to amend anything, click Edit. If you are happy to proceed, click Proceed to important information
  2. You will land on a page with the following information:
  • Key Features Illustration
  • Transfer Authority - applies to Aviva
  • Key Investor Information Document (KIID) / Key Information Document (KID) / Simplified Prospectus (SP)
  • Declarations and submitting your transaction

Read through this important information, tick the relevant confirmations and declarations, and click Submit transfer application

What happens next?

Our team will contact you informing you if they have been able to submit your transfer online. We will also contact you if there is any action required from yourself, or if paperwork is needed.

You will also see the status of your transfer through MyAviva. On the summary page of your account, you will see that you have transfers in progress, you can click View Progress to see further information and updates.

Requesting a cash ISA transfer in

Before you start

You will need the following to hand:

  • Your existing plan number(s)
  • A recent valuation
  • Your bank details (if required)

There is further information on ISA transfers on our website, including links to our Terms and ConditionsKey Features and Our guide to consolidating pensions documents. Please take the time to read through this information found here.

Where to start

  1. Log into MyAviva and click Your Policies then select Investments. Here you should be able to see your ISA. Click Manage account
  2. On your account summary page select Manage your account and then View account details.
  3. From your account details page under Transfer an existing ISA select Start a new Transfer.

Requesting your transfer

  1. On the next page you will see the option to request a cash transfer or a Unit transfer. Select Cash transfer
  2. You will need to provide the following information:
  • Find existing provider will allow you to search from pre-populated ISA providers. Start typing the name of your provider and select them from the list below. If you are unable to find your current provider select Enter other provider details. You will be able to enter the name and address of your current provider
  • ISA account number or plan number
  • When did you contribute to your ISA the money you want to transfer?
  • How much have you contributed in this tax year?
  • Is your current ISA account flexible?

Please be aware, incorrect, or inaccurate information may delay your transfer. If you are happy with the information submitted, click Continue. If you have another policy you wish to transfer you can select Add another transfer and repeat the process

Selecting Investments

  1. You will be presented with four different investment options

    • Ready-made funds

    • Experts’ Shortlist

    • Self-Select

    • Choose fund or shares later (If you wish for your transfer to go into cash)
  2. If you have selected a fund(s) you wish to invest in, you can click Select this fund or Add

    When you have chosen your investments, you will then need to allocate a percentage to invest into your chosen fund(s)

When you are happy with your investment choices select Continue

Review your application

  1. You will now be able to review the information you have submitted along with any investment choices you have made. Take time to ensure this information is accurate. If you need to amend anything, click Edit. If you are happy to proceed, click Proceed to important information
  2. You will land on a page with the following information:
  • Charges Information Document
  • Key Features Illustration
  • Key Investor Information Document (KIID) / Key Information Document (KID) / Simplified Prospectus (SP)
  • Suitability of your investment
  • Transfer Instruction
  • Declarations and submitting your transaction

Read through this important information, tick the relevant confirmations and declarations, and click Submit transfer application

What happens next?

Our team will contact you informing you if they have been able to submit your transfer online. We will also contact you if there is any action required from yourself, or if paperwork is needed. You will also see the status of your transfer through MyAviva. On the summary page of your account, you will see that you have transfers in progress, you can click View Progress to see further information and updates.

Unit Transfers

Unit Transfers

If you are looking to transfer assets via unit transfer, it is important you read the information contained within the Transferring your existing funds guide (PDF 738 KB).

If you feel a unit transfer is appropriate for you then please contact us on 0800 285 1088

Aviva Life Services UK Limited. Registered in England No. 2403746. Aviva, Wellington Row, York, YO90 1WR. Authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. Firm reference number 145452.

Aviva Wrap UK Limited. Registered in England No. 4470008. Aviva, Wellington Row, York, YO90 1WR. Authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. Firm reference number 231530.

Aviva Pension Trustees UK Limited. Registered in England No. 2407799. Aviva, Wellington Row, York, YO90 1WR. Authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. Firm reference number 465132.