Helping you invest for your future
If you choose income drawdown as your retirement option, you’ll have to decide where to invest your income drawdown pot.
What if you’re not confident enough about where to invest that money? Investment Pathways is an initiative that could help you with its four simple investment options.
How does it work?
Each Investment Pathway option matches a plan you might have for the future – like planning not to take any money from your income drawdown pot in the next five years.
All four Investment Pathway options come with their own investment fund that’s connected to a particular plan. Or, if you’re confident enough to make your own investment decisions, then you’re welcome to choose your own investment funds from our full range available.
You can, at any time, choose another pathway option or switch into any funds we offer, if your future plans change.
Your four Investment Pathway options
To help you choose a fund you’re comfortable with, each one has a risk rating of 1 to 7.
A rating of 1 means the fund has the lowest ‘volatility’ – or how likely the fund goes up and down in value over time. A rating of 7 means the fund has the highest volatility.
Remember, the value of an investment can go down as well as up, and you could get back less than invested.

Investment Pathway option 1: I have no plans to touch my money in the next 5 years
Aviva Insured Funds Investment Pathway 1 — fund details
- This fund is for people who do not intend to access their money in the next 5 years. It aims to provide an appropriate balance between growth and risk through exposure to a range of asset classes, that can include, but is not limited to, equities, fixed interest, cash and property. It may also use derivatives for investment purposes.
Risk level 3 out of 7 (low to medium)
- Funds typically investing in assets such as corporate bonds or a mix of assets where day-to-day changes in value have historically been less than for shares. There's still a risk that the value of your investment could fall.

Investment Pathway option 2: I plan to use my money to set up a guaranteed income (annuity) within the next 5 years
Aviva Insured Funds Investment Pathway 2 — fund details
- This fund is for people who wish to purchase an annuity within the next 5 years. The fund will predominantly invest in UK Government and Corporate bonds. Derivatives may be used for investment purposes.
Risk level 4 out of 7 (medium)
- Funds typically investing in a mix of asset types with the potential for better long-term returns than lower risk funds. Compared to lower risk funds there's a greater risk that the value of your investment could fall.

Investment Pathway option 3: I plan to start taking my money as a long-term income within the next 5 years
Aviva Insured Funds Investment Pathway 3 — fund details
- This fund is for people who intend to take a long term-income in the next 5 years. It aims to provide an appropriate balance between growth and risk through an exposure to a range of asset classes that include, but is not limited to, equities, fixed interest, cash and property. It may also use derivatives for investment purposes.
Risk level 3 out of 7 (low to medium)
- Funds typically investing in assets such as corporate bonds or a mix of assets where day-to-day changes in value have historically been less than for shares. There's still a risk that the value of your investment could fall.

Investment Pathway option 4: I plan to take out all my money within the next 5 years
Aviva Insured Funds Investment Pathway 4 — fund details
- This fund is for people who wish to take all their money within the next 5 years. It seeks to achieve a positive return (before charges) by investing primarily in fixed interest and money market instruments. It may also use derivatives for investment purposes.
Risk level 2 out of 7 (low)
- Funds typically investing in assets such as the highest-quality corporate bonds, which normally offer better long-term returns than savings accounts. There's still a risk that the value of your investment could fall.
Need help?
Confused about choosing an investment pathway? It's a good idea to get professional help. The first thing to do is check if your workplace pension can connect you with a financial adviser. If not, we can help. We offer pension support and you can get tailored financial advice too. You can also find independent financial advisers at Unbiased - there will be a charge for this advice.
Acting in your interest
An Independent Governance Committee (IGC) will assess and, where necessary, challenge Aviva to make sure our Investment Pathways funds offer you value for money. IGC members are independent from Aviva and act solely in your interest.
They ensure our funds have clear aims and objectives, and that we review their performance on a regular basis. You can learn more about how the IGC ensures you get value for money in their terms of reference and latest annual report.
Interested in Income Drawdown?
To take income drawdown with us and access Investment Pathways or another investment option, you’ll need to transfer a pension first. This could be your Aviva pension, or a pension you have with another provider.