Physio Essentials

Frequently asked questions

Does Physio Essentials cover osteopathy and chiropractic treatment?

No, it only covers physiotherapy treatment.

I'm getting divorced. What happens to my policy?

If it’s in your name, you can take your spouse off your policy at any time. If it’s in your spouse’s name, they can remove you from their policy whenever they choose. A new spouse or partner can be added from the next renewal date. 

Which physiotherapists can I use for my treatment?

You’ll need to have a telephone clinical assessment (TCA) with a physiotherapist first. If they think you need face-to-face physiotherapy, they’ll arrange a first session with a local physiotherapist from the network at a time and date that suits you. They’ll then send you email confirmation of the appointment.

My bank details have changed. What should I do?

You should update your bank account details online as soon as possible. If we can’t collect your premiums, your policy may be cancelled, and you won’t be able to make a claim.

Can a non-UK resident buy Physio Essentials?

No. You need to be living in the UK (England, Scotland, Northern Ireland or Wales) for six months or more of every year. We don’t offer cover if you’re resident in the Channel Islands or the Isle of Man.


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